Tuesday, September 30, 2008


From what i have read i think that adobe premiere elements is much better for our class. my reasoning behind this is that for one thing its much cheaper and a lot more user friendly then other software. Also it isn't missing any important editing tools that our class would use. In the end this product has a lot more to offer the class then its more expensive models.

and http://reviews.cnet.com/image-editing/adobe-premiere-elements/4505-3634_7-31117292.html

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The old news compared to the new news

Well i finished watching Goodnight and Good luck and then watched local news to compare the two. Well i really like the style from the old news and dont mind the new main stream visuals of the new news but really didnt like the middle ground at all. Because if your going to have visuals make them good for god sakes instead of half done like the local news.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Goodnight and good luck

Well i really liked the way they shot the film in black and white. It really added to the theme of the time. Along the lines of meaning in the film i really wish the days of the old news Anchors would come back so we can have real news. Now days the rating wars have really made the news more entertainment news the world news and economic news. This has change things for the worst and have miss the entire point.
Thank you

Thursday, September 11, 2008


So cardinals pick the pope and they use ballots and after each ballot is counted the stick it i a furness. if by the end of that day there still hasnt been a decision then they burn the ballots with a chemical that turns the smoke black, but if they do choose a new pope they burn the ballots alone and white smoke becomes visible.

sources: wikipedia.com and www.cnn.com

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Digital Media Poll...really?

Q1 On a scale from 1-10 how often do you use the internet a day? 1 being never and 10 being for more then 9 hours a day.

Q2 Which do you prefer doing watching a movie in a theater or at home?

Q3 What do you use the internet more for:
a) e-mail b) social networking c) research d)games e) taking polls f) other (if you know what i mean)

Q4 What social networking site do you use more:
a) Facebook b) MySpace c) AIM

Q5 What kind of movie do you think Paul Walker should star next in:
a) romantic comedy b) musical c) other (and this time you know what i mean)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tom "The Goodman" Brady

Well we all know what happened to Tom Brady and if for some reason you have been living under a rock or just happen to have a more lively social life then me. And if that's the case then stop judging me. Oh and what happened to Tom Brady was that in the first quarter of a 17-10 victory over Kansas City he was hit in the knee by Bernard Pollard. This sent Brady out for the season and he also has to undergo surgery to fix his knee. Now whether or not you like the patriots as a team you have to feel bad for Tom because in the end do you wont anyone to go out like that at the height of their carrier. If so the you can just stop reading this because my blogs are reserved for people who have souls. Well now the season for the New England Patriots is in the hands of Matt Cassel who did end up winning the first game of the season and that just might be a sign. Oh and really Noah ...really?


Why is it that when ever your having a bad day it just gets worse and not only that, but why is it that people who are having a bad day need everyone else to have a bad day with them. I mean really?